
Monday 21 November 2011

Super Excursion to Bathurst!

“Gold panning was the best part of our trip because most of us got find their own real gold to take home as a souvenir!” Leighton Keegan-Crane 6F

“The adventure park was epic because it had a massive flying fox and we don’t have anything like it in or near Scone” Ciennah Welsh 5/6W

“I liked Jenolan Caves because it was pretty....apart from when they turned out all the lights... (shudder)”  Shanea Blaney 6M

Stage 3 teachers would like to thank all the students for their exceptional behaviour, attitude
and attentiveness throughout the entire excursion. I twas an extremely rewarding and educational experience, one which we are sure students will enjoy for years to come.

We would also like to thank all of the venues for their hospitality, particularly Bathurst Goldfields Education Centre and the amazing bus drivers from Howards. Stage 3 Teachers

On Monday, 7 November Years 5 and 6 went to Bathurst to learn about gold and its history.

 We left on Monday at 6:30am. Our first stop was at Mudgee then at Sofala.

When we arrived in Bathurst we headed to the beautiful Abercrombie House where we learnt about the history of gold in the area and what life was like during that ere.

Abercrombie House was an amazing home with many intricate features.  The garden and surrounding areas showed how people had to be self sufficient in order to survive. 
This is very different to our way of life today.

We arrived at our accommodation later that day - in a prime position at the Bathurst Goldfields right on the track of Mt Panorama!

 On the second day some of us woke very early to go for a run with Mr Morris and Mrs Wait.  It was very scenic and extra smooth running alongside one of Australia's most famous race tracks.   There were not any cars, just a lot of kangaroos and rabbits.

Later that morning we had a tour of the Bathurst gold fields to see what it would be like to live in the 1850s.  We cooked damper on the open fire, played traditional games, created mud bricks, watched a black smith at work....some of us even had to help out as his apprentices - hard hot work I am telling you!

On the third day we wenton a tour of Chifley House, the former residence of our Prime Minister and his wife.   It is in such pristine condition and it was a terrific experience to hear a Pianola.

Then we went to BRAG the Bathurst Regional art gallery to view a contemporary exhibition of Aboriginal Artworks.  We then headed to the Fossil and Mineral museum to learn about the Somerville Collection and see an incredible fossil cast of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.. Pretty cool!

 We went to the adventure park after that for some play time and never wanted it to end.  The adventure park is an amazing place with flying foxes, musical bridges, fossil digging areas, a sensory garden, climbing towers and everything else a kid our age could even dream of.  Wow ! If only Scone had one tucked away somewhere!
 On the fourthday we were on our way home, we went to the Jenolan Caves and walked through the Lucas Cave, saw the Cathedral and the Party light show.  It is such a spectacular natural wonder.  One that everyone must see!

We had lunch at Lithgow - it was freezing then jumped on the warm bus ready to hit home.

A few reflections from the excursion:

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Bathurst Excursion

We are having an amazing time in Bathurst. Our days have been full of fun and adventure.

So far we have -

Visited the beautiful Abercrombie House on Ophir Rd and had a house and garden tour with Christopher and Xanthe

Learnt about life on the goldfields with Barry, Laurie and Karen. We pitched tents, had a go at tug o war, made damper on a stick, learnt about the history of gold in the region and tried our patience at gold panning and struck it LUCKY finding alluvial gold ! Watch out, this panning is addictive, may may not head back home to Scone in a hurry...

We checked out the history of motor racing and watched a movie at the museum and then walked through looking at several cars and motor bikes that have featured on the track over the years

We even lapped around Mt Panorama race track in the bus and then we had a guided trip around Bathurst taking in the many historical sites and features of the city.

Our adventure continues tomorrow, stay tuned!!

Sunday 11 September 2011

One World, Many Stories

In the Scone Public School community we have been working hard to piece together the items for our school concert to be held this week!

It is the story of six Little Einstein's searching the world for a formula. 
The concert showcases students from all classes in addition to performances from our school dance groups, junior and senior drama clubs, the school band, our P & S and staff.  The show will end with a fun filled finale.
Hope you have your ticket for one of the shows:

Wednesday 14th September - Evening Performance: 6:30 pm

Thursday 15th September - Matinee: 12:30 pm  Evening Performance: 6:30 pm

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Spotlight on Fractions

Fractions are a maths topic that is very relevant to everyday life. We use our
knowledge of fractions to solve problems and make decisions all the time.
Use mathematical language to talk about fractions.
Here are some maths language terms that are imporant to know:
Fraction – any part of a whole, a group or a number.
Numerator – showing the number of parts of the whole.
Denominator – the number of parts the whole is divided into.
Proper fraction – numerator is less than the denominator.
Improper fraction – numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator.
Equivalent fraction – fractions that have the same value or amount.
Mixed numbers – a whole number and a fraction.

Some fun fraction links:

Fraction Splat


Fraction Ice Cream Shop

Fraction Monkeys

Thursday 18 August 2011

Bathurst Excursion Details

7-10th November 2011
Next term all Stage 3 students will have the opportunity to experience the conditions on the goldfields.  This period of time will come to life through a combination of artefacts, restored buildings, preserved sites, mines, photographic records and more.  Students will be engaged  through tours, role plays, stories and gold panning. 

This is a first for Scone Public and looks to be an exciting ‘new’ opportunity to supplement studies in this area. 

The following provides a basic overview of our daily activities and links for your interest:
Monday 7th November 2011
·         Depart Scone Public at 6am
·         Lunch: Abercrombie House
·         Dinner
·         Line Dancing
Tuesday 8th November 2011
·         Campfire
Wednesday 9th November 2011
·         Chifley House
·         National Motor Racing Museum
·         Drive around Mount Panorama
·         Disco Dance
Thursday 10th November 2011
·         Depart Bathurst
·         Jenolan Caves visit
·         Home to Scone

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Tuesday 9th August 2011

Stage Three have been enjoying playing the fictional Gold Game.  Many of them have struck it lucky finding some hefty nuggets and invested in local shops and services while others have bought shares in mining companies.  It has proven to be very prosperous...until today...

It will go down in history as a day NOT to be forgotten.  The gun shots sent our hearts racing, their harsh words and abrupt manner left no choice but to act on their requests. 

It was them. The bushrangers had arrived to hit our town.  A raid that was unexpected around these parts of the country.  They are believed to be the trio of Jack W, Quick Kate and The Morro.  Due to their ambush, most miners are now stone broke.   Some will even need to renew their licences.   
To make matters worse the whole town was hit by fire.  It is hard to know the real damage until we head back in tomorrow.   Our strength of character will rebuild this mining town.  Just you wait!  

Look carefully and report these folk if you happen to see the around town and beware!