
Monday 21 November 2011

Super Excursion to Bathurst!

“Gold panning was the best part of our trip because most of us got find their own real gold to take home as a souvenir!” Leighton Keegan-Crane 6F

“The adventure park was epic because it had a massive flying fox and we don’t have anything like it in or near Scone” Ciennah Welsh 5/6W

“I liked Jenolan Caves because it was pretty....apart from when they turned out all the lights... (shudder)”  Shanea Blaney 6M

Stage 3 teachers would like to thank all the students for their exceptional behaviour, attitude
and attentiveness throughout the entire excursion. I twas an extremely rewarding and educational experience, one which we are sure students will enjoy for years to come.

We would also like to thank all of the venues for their hospitality, particularly Bathurst Goldfields Education Centre and the amazing bus drivers from Howards. Stage 3 Teachers

On Monday, 7 November Years 5 and 6 went to Bathurst to learn about gold and its history.

 We left on Monday at 6:30am. Our first stop was at Mudgee then at Sofala.

When we arrived in Bathurst we headed to the beautiful Abercrombie House where we learnt about the history of gold in the area and what life was like during that ere.

Abercrombie House was an amazing home with many intricate features.  The garden and surrounding areas showed how people had to be self sufficient in order to survive. 
This is very different to our way of life today.

We arrived at our accommodation later that day - in a prime position at the Bathurst Goldfields right on the track of Mt Panorama!

 On the second day some of us woke very early to go for a run with Mr Morris and Mrs Wait.  It was very scenic and extra smooth running alongside one of Australia's most famous race tracks.   There were not any cars, just a lot of kangaroos and rabbits.

Later that morning we had a tour of the Bathurst gold fields to see what it would be like to live in the 1850s.  We cooked damper on the open fire, played traditional games, created mud bricks, watched a black smith at work....some of us even had to help out as his apprentices - hard hot work I am telling you!

On the third day we wenton a tour of Chifley House, the former residence of our Prime Minister and his wife.   It is in such pristine condition and it was a terrific experience to hear a Pianola.

Then we went to BRAG the Bathurst Regional art gallery to view a contemporary exhibition of Aboriginal Artworks.  We then headed to the Fossil and Mineral museum to learn about the Somerville Collection and see an incredible fossil cast of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.. Pretty cool!

 We went to the adventure park after that for some play time and never wanted it to end.  The adventure park is an amazing place with flying foxes, musical bridges, fossil digging areas, a sensory garden, climbing towers and everything else a kid our age could even dream of.  Wow ! If only Scone had one tucked away somewhere!
 On the fourthday we were on our way home, we went to the Jenolan Caves and walked through the Lucas Cave, saw the Cathedral and the Party light show.  It is such a spectacular natural wonder.  One that everyone must see!

We had lunch at Lithgow - it was freezing then jumped on the warm bus ready to hit home.

A few reflections from the excursion:

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